Puji syukur kehadirat
Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas segala limpahan Rahmat dan kasihNya sehingga saya
dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan cerita tentang Legenda Lampu Wasiat.
Harapan saya semoga
cerita ini membantu menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagi para pembaca
Tiga Dolok, 10 April 2012
1. KATA PENGANTAR ……………………………….………………………… 1
2. DAFTAR ISI……………………………………………………………………….
3. ISI LEGENDA……………………………………………………………………..
Aladin Dan Lampu Wasiat
Aladin & Lampu Ajaib
kala, di kota Persia, seorang Ibu tinggal dengan anak laki-lakinya yang bernama
Aladin. Suatu hari datanglah seorang laki-laki mendekati Aladin yang sedang
bermain. Kemudian laki-laki itu mengakui Aladin sebagai keponakannya. Laki-laki
itu mengajak Aladin pergi ke luar kota dengan seizin ibu Aladin untuk
membantunya. Jalan yang ditempuh sangat jauh. Aladin mengeluh kecapaian kepada
pamannya tetapi ia malah dibentak dan disuruh untuk mencari kayu bakar, kalau
tidak mau Aladin akan dibunuhnya. Aladin akhirnya sadar bahwa laki-laki itu
bukan pamannya melainkan seorang penyihir. Laki-laki penyihir itu kemudian
menyalakan api dengan kayu bakar dan mulai mengucapkan mantera. “Kraak…”
tiba-tiba tanah menjadi berlubang seperti gua.
lubang gua itu terdapat tangga sampai ke dasarnya. “Ayo turun! Ambilkan aku
lampu antik di dasar gua itu”, seru si penyihir. “Tidak, aku takut turun ke
sana”, jawab Aladin. Penyihir itu kemudian mengeluarkan sebuah cincin dan
memberikannya kepada Aladin. “Ini adalah cincin ajaib, cincin ini akan
melindungimu”, kata si penyihir. Akhirnya Aladin menuruni tangga itu dengan
perasaan takut. Setelah sampai di dasar ia menemukan pohon-pohon berbuah
permata. Setelah buah permata dan lampu yang ada di situ dibawanya, ia segera
menaiki tangga kembali. Tetapi, pintu lubang sudah tertutup sebagian. “Cepat
berikan lampunya !”, seru penyihir. “Tidak ! Lampu ini akan kuberikan setelah
aku keluar”, jawab Aladin. Setelah berdebat, si penyihir menjadi tidak sabar dan
akhirnya “Brak!” pintu lubang ditutup oleh si penyihir lalu meninggalkan Aladin
terkurung di dalam lubang bawah tanah. Aladin menjadi sedih, dan duduk
termenung. “Aku lapar, Aku ingin bertemu ibu, Tuhan, tolonglah aku !”, ucap
merapatkan kedua tangannya dan mengusap jari-jarinya. Tiba-tiba, sekelilingnya
menjadi merah dan asap membumbung. Bersamaan dengan itu muncul seorang raksasa.
Aladin sangat ketakutan. “Maafkan saya, karena telah mengagetkan Tuan”, saya
adalah peri cincin kata raksasa itu. “Oh, kalau begitu bawalah aku pulang
kerumah.” “Baik Tuan, naiklah kepunggungku, kita akan segera pergi dari sini”,
ujar peri cincin. Dalam waktu singkat, Aladin sudah sampai di depan rumahnya.
“Kalau tuan memerlukan saya panggillah dengan menggosok cincin Tuan.”
menceritakan semua hal yang di alaminya kepada ibunya. “Mengapa penyihir itu
menginginkan lampu kotor ini ya ?”, kata Ibu sambil menggosok membersihkan
lampu itu. “Syut !” Tiba-tiba asap membumbung dan muncul seorang raksasa peri
lampu. “Sebutkanlah perintah Nyonya”, kata si peri lampu. Aladin yang sudah
pernah mengalami hal seperti ini memberi perintah,”kami lapar, tolong siapkan
makanan untuk kami”. Dalam waktu singkat peri Lampu membawa makanan yang
lezat-lezat kemudian menyuguhkannya. “Jika ada yang diinginkan lagi, panggil
saja saya dengan menggosok lampu itu”, kata si peri lampu.
hari, bulan, tahunpun berganti, Aladin hidup bahagia dengan ibunya. Aladin
sekarang sudah menjadi seorang pemuda. Suatu hari lewat seorang Putri Raja di
depan rumahnya. Ia sangat terpesona dan merasa jatuh cinta kepada Putri Cantik
itu. Aladin lalu menceritakan keinginannya kepada ibunya untuk memperistri
putri raja. “Tenang Aladin, Ibu akan mengusahakannya”. Ibu pergi ke istana raja
dengan membawa permata-permata kepunyaan Aladin. “Baginda, ini adalah hadiah
untuk Baginda dari anak laki-lakiku.” Raja amat senang. “Wah…, anakmu pasti
seorang pangeran yang tampan, besok aku akan datang ke Istana kalian dengan
membawa serta putriku”.
tiba di rumah Ibu segera menggosok lampu dan meminta peri lampu untuk
membawakan sebuah istana. Aladin dan ibunya menunggu di atas bukit. Tak lama
kemudian peri lampu datang dengan Istana megah di punggungnya. “Tuan, ini
Istananya”. Esok hari sang Raja dan putrinya datang berkunjung ke Istana Aladin
yang sangat megah. “Maukah engkau menjadikan anakku sebagai istrimu ?”, Tanya
sang Raja. Aladin sangat gembira mendengarnya. Lalu mereka berdua melaksanakan
pesta pernikahan.
jauh disana, si penyihir ternyata melihat semua kejadian itu melalui bola
kristalnya. Ia lalu pergi ke tempat Aladin dan pura-pura menjadi seorang
penjual lampu di depan Istana Aladin. Ia berteriak-teriak, “tukarkan lampu lama
anda dengan lampu baru !”. Sang permaisuri yang melihat lampu ajaib Aladin yang
usang segera keluar dan menukarkannya dengan lampu baru. Segera si penyihir
menggosok lampu itu dan memerintahkan peri lampu memboyong istana beserta
isinya dan istri Aladin ke rumahnya.
Aladin pulang dari berkeliling, ia sangat terkejut. Lalu memanggil peri cincin
dan bertanya kepadanya apa yang telah terjadi. “Kalau begitu tolong kembalikan
lagi semuanya kepadaku”, seru Aladin. “Maaf Tuan, tenaga saya tidaklah sebesar
peri lampu,” ujar peri cincin. “Baik kalau begitu aku yang akan mengambilnya.
Tolong Antarkan kau kesana”, seru Aladin. Sesampainya di Istana, Aladin
menyelinap masuk mencari kamar tempat sang Putri dikurung. “Penyihir itu sedang
tidur karena kebanyakan minum bir”, ujar sang Putri. “Baik, jangan kuatir aku
akan mengambil kembali lampu ajaib itu, kita nanti akan menang”, jawab Aladin.
mengendap mendekati penyihir yang sedang tidur. Ternyata lampu ajaib menyembul
dari kantungnya. Aladin kemudian mengambilnya dan segera menggosoknya.
“Singkirkan penjahat ini”, seru Aladin kepada peri lampu. Penyihir terbangun,
lalu menyerang Aladin. Tetapi peri lampu langsung membanting penyihir itu
hingga tewas. “Terima kasih peri lampu, bawalah kami dan Istana ini kembali ke
Persia”. Sesampainya di Persia Aladin hidup bahagia. Ia mempergunakan sihir
dari peri lampu untuk membantu orang-orang miskin dan kesusahan.
Lamp Aladdin And Testament
Aladdin & the Magic Lamp
Aladdin & the Magic Lamp
Long ago, in the town of Persia, a mother
living with her son called Aladdin. One day there came a man who was playing
close to Aladin. Then the man recognizes Aladdin as his nephew. The man took
Aladdin out of town with the permission of Aladdin's mother to help her. The
path traveled so far. Aladin complained to her uncle tired but he instead
shouted at and told to look for firewood, or we'll be Aladdin kills. Aladin
finally realized that the man was not her uncle but a magician. Male witch was
then lit a fire with firewood and began to utter incantations. "Kraak
..." the ground suddenly become hollow like a cave.
In the cave there is a staircase hole to the bottom. "Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, "cried the witch. "No, I'm afraid to get down to it," replied Aladdin. The witch was then issued a ring and gave it to Aladdin. "This is a magic ring, this ring will protect you", said the magician. Aladin finally down the stairs with a feeling of fear. Having reached the bottom he found a jewel fruit trees. After the fruit gems and lights are brought there, he quickly climbed the ladder again. However, the hole is partially closed door. "Quick give the lamp!", Cried witch. "No! These lights will give after I got out, "replied Aladdin. After debate, the magician became impatient and finally "Brak!" Opening the door was closed by the magician and Aladdin left trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin becomes sad, and sat pensive. "I'm hungry, I want to meet her, Lord, help me!", Said Aladdin.
Aladdin rubbed his hands and pressed his fingers. Suddenly, around a red and billowing smoke. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin was so scared. "Forgive me, because it has been surprising sir", I was a fairy ring giant said it. "Oh, then take me to come home." "Good sir, take kepunggungku, we will get out of here", said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin had reached the front of his house. "If I call upon the lord require rubbing the ring master."
Aladdin told him all things in the natural to the mother. "Why did the witch wanted the lights are so dirty?", She said, rubbing the lamp to clean it. "Syut!" Suddenly a lot of smoke and lights up a giant elf. "List the command Madame", said the fairy lamps. Aladin who have never experienced anything like this to give orders, "we are hungry, help prepare food for us". In a short time fairy lights bring a delicious, delicious food and menyuguhkannya. "If anyone wants more, just call me by rubbing the lamp," said the fairy lamps.
Similarly, day, month, tahunpun changed, Aladin living happily with his mother. Aladin has now become a young man. One day a princess passing in front of his house. He was very fascinated and fell in love with it's Beautiful Daughter. Aladdin and his desire for his mother to marry a princess. "Quiet Aladdin, I'll working on". Mother went to the palace of the king to bring the jewels belonging to Aladin. "Sire, this is a gift to the king of my son." The King was very pleased. "Well ... your son must be a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to you with a palace and my daughter".
Upon arriving home she immediately rub the lamp and asked for the lights to bring a fairy palace. Aladdin and his mother waited on the hill. Soon the fairy lights come with a magnificent palace at his back. "Sir, this palace". The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. "Will you make my son a wife?", Asked the King. Aladdin is very pleased to hear that. Then they both perform the wedding.
Far away, the witch turned out to see all events through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretend to be a salesperson in front of the Aladdin's lamp. He shouted, "change your old lights with new lights". The empress who saw Aladdin's magic lamp worn out soon and exchange it for new lights. Soon the witch rub the lamp and ordered the fairy lights and bring the castle and its contents to his wife Aladin.
When Aladdin returned from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. "Then please return it to me again," said Aladdin. "Excuse me sir, my energy was not as big fairy lights," said the fairy ring. "Fine then I'll get it. Deliver help you get there, "said Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin slipped inside to find the room where the Princess locked up. "The witch is asleep due to drinking beer," said the Princess. "Good, do not worry I'll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious," replied Aladdin.
Aladin settles close to the sleeping witch. It turned out that magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then took it and rubbed it immediately. "Get rid of these criminals," said Aladdin to the fairy lamps. Witch woke up, and then attacked Aladin. But the fairy lights were immediately slammed the witches to death. "Thank you fairy lights, and we bring it back to the Persian Palace". Arriving in the Persian Aladdin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.
In the cave there is a staircase hole to the bottom. "Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, "cried the witch. "No, I'm afraid to get down to it," replied Aladdin. The witch was then issued a ring and gave it to Aladdin. "This is a magic ring, this ring will protect you", said the magician. Aladin finally down the stairs with a feeling of fear. Having reached the bottom he found a jewel fruit trees. After the fruit gems and lights are brought there, he quickly climbed the ladder again. However, the hole is partially closed door. "Quick give the lamp!", Cried witch. "No! These lights will give after I got out, "replied Aladdin. After debate, the magician became impatient and finally "Brak!" Opening the door was closed by the magician and Aladdin left trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin becomes sad, and sat pensive. "I'm hungry, I want to meet her, Lord, help me!", Said Aladdin.
Aladdin rubbed his hands and pressed his fingers. Suddenly, around a red and billowing smoke. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin was so scared. "Forgive me, because it has been surprising sir", I was a fairy ring giant said it. "Oh, then take me to come home." "Good sir, take kepunggungku, we will get out of here", said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin had reached the front of his house. "If I call upon the lord require rubbing the ring master."
Aladdin told him all things in the natural to the mother. "Why did the witch wanted the lights are so dirty?", She said, rubbing the lamp to clean it. "Syut!" Suddenly a lot of smoke and lights up a giant elf. "List the command Madame", said the fairy lamps. Aladin who have never experienced anything like this to give orders, "we are hungry, help prepare food for us". In a short time fairy lights bring a delicious, delicious food and menyuguhkannya. "If anyone wants more, just call me by rubbing the lamp," said the fairy lamps.
Similarly, day, month, tahunpun changed, Aladin living happily with his mother. Aladin has now become a young man. One day a princess passing in front of his house. He was very fascinated and fell in love with it's Beautiful Daughter. Aladdin and his desire for his mother to marry a princess. "Quiet Aladdin, I'll working on". Mother went to the palace of the king to bring the jewels belonging to Aladin. "Sire, this is a gift to the king of my son." The King was very pleased. "Well ... your son must be a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to you with a palace and my daughter".
Upon arriving home she immediately rub the lamp and asked for the lights to bring a fairy palace. Aladdin and his mother waited on the hill. Soon the fairy lights come with a magnificent palace at his back. "Sir, this palace". The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. "Will you make my son a wife?", Asked the King. Aladdin is very pleased to hear that. Then they both perform the wedding.
Far away, the witch turned out to see all events through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretend to be a salesperson in front of the Aladdin's lamp. He shouted, "change your old lights with new lights". The empress who saw Aladdin's magic lamp worn out soon and exchange it for new lights. Soon the witch rub the lamp and ordered the fairy lights and bring the castle and its contents to his wife Aladin.
When Aladdin returned from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. "Then please return it to me again," said Aladdin. "Excuse me sir, my energy was not as big fairy lights," said the fairy ring. "Fine then I'll get it. Deliver help you get there, "said Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin slipped inside to find the room where the Princess locked up. "The witch is asleep due to drinking beer," said the Princess. "Good, do not worry I'll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious," replied Aladdin.
Aladin settles close to the sleeping witch. It turned out that magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then took it and rubbed it immediately. "Get rid of these criminals," said Aladdin to the fairy lamps. Witch woke up, and then attacked Aladin. But the fairy lights were immediately slammed the witches to death. "Thank you fairy lights, and we bring it back to the Persian Palace". Arriving in the Persian Aladdin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.
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